
Linear Picking Passages

Want to know a picking concept that sounds great, looks great and is quite practical too?⁠Linear picking passages.⁠By linear picking I mean picking up or down a single string.⁠Two master of this technique are Yngwie Malmsteen and Al Di Meola.⁠Playing along a single...

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You Can’t Avoid Practice

Let me tell you about something that's really annoying as a guitar teacher.In this day and age - so many online guitar courses, products and lessons are marketed as being able to solve all your problems and make you an amazing guitarist overnight.⁠They're marketed as...

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Tips For Vibrato

Let's talk about vibrato.⁠In order to do vibrato well, it's important to understand what vibrato actually is.⁠Vibrato is a small repeating bend that bends to the same pitch, releases to the same pitch and pulses at the same rhythm.⁠In order to improve your vibrato,...

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Fast Alternate Picking Riffs

Let's talk ab⁠out fast alternate picking riffs.⁠Fast alternate picking is a staple of metal rhythm guitar and is an important technique for any aspiring metal guitarist.⁠Like anything fast, building up the speed required to play fast alternate picking riffs takes...

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Is Your Playing Stagnating?

Do you feel your guitar playing is stagnating?⁠If you're unsure, here are a few clues it might be: You constantly play the same stuff the same way.⁠You don't feel very motivated to play.⁠You find playing boring.⁠You occasionally try to learn something new but end up...

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Soulful Minor Blues Soloing

Want to know what a lot of aspiring lead guitarists want to learn to do well when they first come to me?Soulful minor blues soloing.⁠Players like David Gilmour, Mark Knopfler, Gary Moore, Eric Clapton, Carlos Santana, Stevie Ray Vaughan and Jimmy Page (just to name a...

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Do You Struggle With A Messy Fretting Hand?

Do you struggle with a messy fretting hand?⁠I've had students come to me in the past with fretting hands that seemed to have minds of their own.⁠Their fingers fly all over the place, lift up really high, constantly hit the wrong notes and strings, never seem to play...

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Learn To Enjoy The Process

Some people get so caught up with what they're struggling with that they let it derail any further attempts at improving.⁠I've had some people come to me telling me they'd like to improve their lead guitar, when I ask them how their lead guitar ability currently...

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Tips For Sweep Picking

Want to know the technique so many people ask me about?⁠Sweep picking.⁠Sweep picking seems to be a mystery to so many aspiring lead guitarists.⁠A mystery in the sense they have no idea how some players do it so well, and how they can do it well, too.⁠If you've got no...

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Tips For Improving Timing

Want to know what one of the biggest problems students have when they first come to me is?⁠Is it picking? No.⁠Is it legato? No.⁠Is it bending?⁠ No.⁠It's timing.⁠By timing, I mean having the understanding and ability of how to play in time to a metronome or drum...

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