Beginner Guitar Courses

6 Week Beginner Electric Guitar Course For Adults

6 week Beginner Electric Guitar Course, 1 hour a week – Brunswick.

New classes starting February 2025

About The Course

The Beginner Electric Guitar Course is a fun and comprehensive 6 week group program designed to  each adults with no existing playing ability what they need to know in order to play the electric guitar.

Class Location, Days, Times and Size

The course is made up of 6 weekly group classes that go for an hour. The classes are hosted in  runswick at 3 Merrifield Street from Monday to Thursday at 6pm and 7pm.

Class sizes are small and the atmosphere is relaxed, fun and supportive. Everyone is in the same boat  nd no one is judging anyone else – everyone’s there for the same reasons and everyone supports each other.

Electric Guitar Provided

If you’d like to take the course but don’t have an electric guitar, an electric guitar will be provided to you at no additional cost.

You can use it during classes and take it home to practice with throughout the week.

The “Beginner Guitar” Myth

I’m frequently contacted by people who want to know if it’s OK to learn to play on an electric guitar. The reason they seem so unsure is generally because they’ve been told they need to “earn their stripes” on an acoustic guitar first, then “graduate” to an electric.

They’re told an acoustic guitar is a suitable “beginners” guitar and an electric guitar is only for people who know how to play. This couldn’t be further from the truth.

First, there’s no such thing as a “beginner guitar”. A beginner guitar is a guitar you “begin” learning on – it can be anything. And second, there’s no better way to kill your enthusiasm to become a guitarist than by learning on a guitar you hate and doesn’t inspire you.

Guitar playing is a such a personal thing. At the end of the day, you’re doing it for you – not anyone else. If the music you love and want to play is electric guitar based – why learn on anything else?

What If I’m Left Handed?

The guitars I have available are right handed guitars but you can still play one if you’re left handed. Right handed guitars are designed for people to pick with their right hand and fret with their left – because of this, left handed people do really well on right handed guitars.

I don’t believe there’s any need for left and right handed guitars – I think everyone would be fine on one guitar, just like everyone is fine on one kind of piano, violin or saxophone.

If you already own a left handed guitar – that’s totally fine. But I encourage left handed beginners starting from scratch to learn on right handed guitars.

Not only is it easier but when they get better and want to upgrade their guitar – it’s a lot easier to find certain models as right handed guitars.

Guitar companies don’t make as many left handed guitars so some guitars are really hard to find as left handed models and they generally cost alot more.

If I learn The Electric Guitar Will It Help Me Play The Acoustic Guitar?

Something I get asked a lot by people who inquire about the course is whether the material covered in the Beginner Electric Guitar Course will also help them play the acoustic guitar.

The answer to this is YES.

We will cover a lot of things that are just as important to the acoustic guitar as they are to the electric. We will look at some things that are done more on the electric guitar than the acoustic, but a lot of what we look at will help you play the acoustic guitar too.

The reason I run an electric guitar course is because there are a lot more things you can do on the electric guitar than the acoustic guitar. That being said, a lot of these things will overlap.

In a lot of ways, you’re getting the best of both worlds – you’re learning things that are generally only applied to the electric guitar but you’re also learning a lot of things that can be done on the acoustic guitar too.

Course Material

The material in this course is focused on the fundamental musical and technical concepts required to play electric guitar-based styles of music.

This course is designed to get you playing real world techniques and real music as soon as possible. After a couple of lessons, you’ll have a bunch of real songs under your belt.

Some of the specific things this course will cover are open chords, strumming patterns, picking, tabs, chord charts, chord changes, picking patterns, correct technique, power chords, string muting, hammer-ons and pull-offs, barre chords, riffs, rhythm, songs, scales, solos, playing to a metronome and effective practice.

After taking this course you’ll be able to play open chords and barre chords, use strumming patterns, understand correct fretting and picking technique, pick single notes, read tab and chord charts, play songs, use picking patterns, mute strings for chords and scales, use hammer-ons and pull-offs, change chords quickly and effectively, play power chords, play scales, play different kinds of riffs, play simple solos, understand rhythm, play to a metronome, understand how to practice effectively and how to learn songs.

Additional Terms

The full course is made up of 4 different 6 week terms. Each term focuses on more and more advanced material and concepts. The first term gives you everything you need to start playing, while the other terms will help take your playing even further. There’s no obligation to complete all 4 terms – you’re welcome to enroll in as many as you feel you need.

How The Classes Work

Students will sit in front of a projector screen where the class material will be presented. During the class, students will play their electric guitars unamplified. This is so the class doesn’t become loud and distracting and there’s no dangerous leads running over the floor. Students will be able to ask questions and receive 1 on 1 help if they need.

Weekly Practice Material

After each class students will be granted access to a Dropbox folder containing the material presented during the class along with video demonstrations of the material to make practicing easy. Each class will be recorded and the recording will also be provided to each student so they can listen back to anything that was explained during the class.


Each term is made up of an hour long class once a week for 6 weeks, each class is $60 bringing each term to $360 in total.

Each term is paid for upfront. If you miss a class, you’ll still receive the slides from the class along with the video demonstrations and class recording.

Money Back Guarantee

The first term comes with a 100% money back guarantee. If you complete the first term and don’t feel it taught you to play – I’ll happily refund you the full term price.

This will allow you to sign up to the course with confidence knowing you’re not taking a risk or a gamble. Basically, you learn to play or get your money back.

Fill Out The Form

If you’d like some more information, or feel ready to enroll – fill out the form below with your contact details and send it through. When I receive it, I’ll give you a call to talk more about the course, answer any questions you might have and book you in if you feel ready to go.

I take all bookings for the course over the phone, this gives me the opportunity to speak with everyone first to make sure they’re a good fit and understand how they course works before booking in.

I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Make an Inquiry:

Course Inquiry

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Last Name(Required)

What do our students say?


If you are looking for an approachable, fun and informative introduction to learning guitar, give Dean a go. Weekly lessons are structured to build up your skills and in no time you will be strumming with confidence. Highly recommend Dean and his measured approach to teaching. His knowledge and genuine care for his students shine through at every lesson.


Dean is a fabulous guitar teacher! I started Term 1 not expecting much from myself but he makes learning the guitar seem like eating a piece of cake – too easy! I would highly encourage anyone who has been wanting to learn to invest their time into lessons with Dean! I’m already signed up to Term 2!

If you are considering learning the electric guitar, do yourself a favour and contact Dean. Dean’s classes are are fun, inspiring, and completely non-judgemental, which means you want to practice and learn! I just wish I’d found the Beginner Electric Guitar Course years earlier.


Dean is an awesome teacher! I’ve just finished my first term of the Beginner Electric Guitar Course and I feel like I have learnt so so much in only six weeks. Dean is great at explaining and demonstrating everything and has really given me the confidence to continue learning and developing my skills!! I absolutely recommend this class if your’e thinking about learning!



Frequent Questions


Will I be able to ask questions and receive one on one help during the class?

Yes, you’ll be able to receive one on one help during the class as well as ask questions. A lot of the time people have the same sort of questions because they’re all experiencing the same challenges. There’ll be times when I walk around the class checking in to see how everyone is doing, this will give you the chance to ask questions directly if you need.


What makes this course different from learning guitar any other way?

This course is designed for beginners who want to be able to play electric guitar styles. You’ll receive the best information and material available to start you off on your journey to becoming a competent electric guitarist.


Will I have to play in front of everybody?

No. When we go over material in the class everyone will play together as a group. At no time will you be expected to play in front of everyone.


Will this course help me to eventually play rock songs and solos?

Yes, this course is designed for beginners who want to become electric guitarists who can play rock songs and solos. Though we’ll be focusing on material of a beginner level, it’s all designed to help you get to the point where you can play riffs and solos.

Got any questions regarding the Beginner Electric Guitar Course?


I'd love to  hear from you!

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