The Fundamentals Of Great Picking

The Fundamentals Of Great Picking Todays lessons is about The Fundamentals of Great Picking. Great picking is such an essential skill for the rock guitarist, it is the foundation of great rock guitar playing so its incredibly important to dedicate study and time to...

Solo Like Randy Rhoads

Solo Like Randy Rhoads Today we are going to be learning a lick in the style of a true rock guitar virtuoso, Randy Rhoads. Randy Rhoads is renowned for his heavy riffs and virtuostic lead guitar characterised by fast picking and legato passages, minor, diminished and...

Solo Like Eddie Van Halen

Solo Like Eddie Van Halen Today we are going to be learning a lick in the style of one of the most influential rock guitar virtuosos of all time, Eddie Van Halen. Eddie Van Halen is renowned for his signature two handed tapping, dive bombs, tremolo picking, natural...

Pffft! I Don’t Need Guitar Lessons! … Or Do I?

Pffft! I Don’t Need Guitar Lessons! … Or Do I? Are guitar lessons just for people who don’t know how to play? Are they only for people who would identify as beginners? Not at all! Just like there are guitar lessons that help beginners learn chords and...

Are You A Guitar Player? Or A Talking Parrot?

Are You A Guitar Player? Or A Talking Parrot? It might seem hard to imagine, but a lot of guitar players have more in common with parrots then they do musicians! Ok, I better explain myself before you call a mental institution and have me carted out of my studio on a...

Solo Like Ace Frehley

Solo Like Ace Frehley Today we are going to be learning a lick in the style of the rock worlds one and only space man, Ace Frehley. Ace Frehley is renowned for his ambient unison bends, blues based phrasing, rhythmic picking, wide vibrato and fast scale runs. His lead...
Rock Guitar Lessons