Have you ever stopped something only to regret it a few years down the track?

So many of my students tell me they started playing guitar when they were younger but gave it up. They say “I wish I kept going with it, I’d probably be quite good now if I did.”

As far as I’m concerned the only way to fail is to STOP TRYING!⁠

Failing is NOT playing badly.⁠
Failing is NOT feeling like your fingers are slow, weak and uncoordinated.⁠
Failing is NOT feeling like you’re progressing slowly.⁠
Failing is NOT feeling like you’re never going to get it.⁠
Failing is NOT feeling like you don’t have what it takes.

Failing is GIVING UP!

Give yourself permission to suck a bit.⁠
Give yourself permission to not sound as good as you’d like for a while.
Give yourself permission to not be good at something straight away and make peace with that.⁠
Give yourself permission to do what ever it takes to KEEP GOING!

A little bit every day is all it takes.

Rock Guitar Lessons